Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 12021
Country/Region: Central America Region
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

CDC/GAP-CAP through TBD partner will provide technical assistance and conduct trainings to improve the capacity of the national surveillance and laboratory staff to implement, expand and evaluate first-and-second generation surveillance systems, and to conduct special surveillance studies to improve available information regarding the HIV epidemic in Central America and Panama countries.

Also, CDC and TBD will increase the capacity of Ministries of Health to support, design and implement monitoring and evaluation programs in order to produce strategic information regarding the national and regional response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and to collect, manage, analyze, and report data collected through surveillance, monitoring and evaluation systems. CDC will also strengthen TB/HIV surveillance processes in the countries of the region through strengthening laboratory, HIV counseling and testing, information systems, and analysis and use of surveillance data to implement or strengthen TB/HIV prevention strategies.

Through the TBD partner, CDC will hire American and local staff, organize and fund travel for local workshops, and fund travel for coordination of activities and provision of technical assistance to regional ministries of health and laboratories.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

HIV/AIDS Regional Database Through a TBD partner CDC will continue to support a Central American regional electronic database based at the MCR/COMISCA. The TBD partner will support the logistics to conduct national assessments and the establishment of the regional system. The GAP Central American office will work on the development of the HIV/AIDS regional information database which will allow sharing country specific information and support appropriate planning of HIV prevention and control with emphasis on cross-border issues. The aims are to create a network of database system and to develop systematic data collection, database and computer software related to HIV/AIDS at the country and regional levels

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $0

CDC through a TBD partner will continue to support the HIV regional laboratory, and assist in the establishment of a regional laboratory for STI/TB. This support will include logistical aspects of regional trainings, hiring short-term consultants, and the publication of reports, guidelines, and protocols. The regional STI/TB Lab will provide technical and scientific leadership for the network, and will provide technical support for the field laboratory training and quality assurance activities of the national reference laboratories.

CDC and TBD partner will support integrated training activities on STI laboratory techniques, TB, Quality Assurance Systems and biosafety; establish new diagnostic techniques such as Multiplex PCR diagnostic capacity to support the STI component of the behavioral surveys with biomarkers and TB genotyping and resistance testing.

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $0

PROVIT is a program that aims to improve detection of HIV among TB patients, TB management and strategic information for TB and HIV. PROVIT was designed by the Regional Office for Central America and Panama of the Global AIDS Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This Program will be implemented in selected government facilities and will be based on Ministry of Health personnel. Through a TBD partner, CDC will support the logistics for training workshops, hiring of short term consultants and travel of CDC personnel.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $0
Human Resources for Health $0
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
End-of-Program Evaluation
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services